SecurityNet’s electronic systems design portfolio includes buildings and campuses in every state and territory of Australia.Our experience encompasses every class of property, as well as Federal, State and Local Government buildings.
In partnership with Protective Security Network corporate members, we offer cost-effective inspection, testing and central station verification of intruder detection and video surveillance systems in multiple properties across all states of Australia.
Tenanted Spaces
While they do their best to ensure tenancies are secure, facility managers are responsible only for the security of the base property.
Tenants should not take access control and video surveillance provisions by the property owner for granted.
They need to take steps to mitigate their business’ security risk, by ensuring that physical security provisions are tenancy-specific and always working.
That’s where we shine.
We design your system to be stand-alone in its management and monitoring station reporting, but extend its functionality to allow compatibility with base building access credentials.
You may also opt for secondary alarm and video surveillance monitoring by base building security, but you maintain control over your user database and access privileges.

Designing Out Crime
The first response of most commercial property owners when confronted by criminal activity is to look for technology solutions. SecurityNet can certainly help with that. We can guide you in identifying risks and threats and upgrading physical security. However, not all security issues arise through a lack of physical security measures.
We work in partnership with generalist and specialist security consultants, with skills in risk management and other security disciplines. Criminal activity is complex, and often centred on human engineering. A consultant (skilled in CPTED) from practices like Harris Crime Prevention is often required to address common vulnerabilities, that arise through environmental design, and “the human factor”- poor security practices.
If we think you need help in dealing with any aspects of security that fall beyond the realm of electronic systems, we will introduce you.