About SecurityNet Australia

I’m Rob, the founder and principal of SecurityNet Australia. I’m a licensed electronic security technician and risk management consultant with more than 50 years experience in electronic security. 

SecurityNet was established in Sydney in 2000With  a primary focus on the  technologies of the Internet age, we specialise in systems design that incorporates cloud management and storage of your important physical security data.

Our systems are ready for the “Artificial Intelligence revolution“, which is a perfect fit for enhancing the performance of electronic security and video surveillance.

SECURITYNET CLOUD makes more sense than ever before, using less bandwidth and storage capacity than competing systems.

View the MOBOTIX ONE video below, and learn more about the technologies we work with by following the link to our Featured Technology Partners Page.


Video Surveillance That You Never Need To Worry About

We supply cameras and SECURITYNET CLOUD-compatible MOBOTIX equipment, “onboarded” to communicate securely with IPTECHVIEW Servers. 

Your system is pre-tested and ready for your chosen installer to fit and connect to your Broadband service. 

If you don’t have a trusted installer, we can arrange for you to receive several quotations from qualified and licensed contractors. They carry out the work to our documented standards, certified and guaranteed!

Your cameras and networking components automatically connect to the IPTECHVIEW™ cloud service and we will carry out final adjustments. From then on, we monitor your system continuously for faults, and assist you when necessary. 



Systems Analysis, Inspection and Testing

Much of our work over the past 25 years  has been in systems consulting for commercial buildings and property portfolios.

Right from the early days of our consulting work, we looked for ways to structure data, incorporating security systems data and photographs of existing security equipment. 

At the same time, we foresaw the need to inspect and test for defective security devices and systems. This results resulting in a lot of data collection, but also has given us an insight into the vulnerabilities that are commonplace.

We’ve perfected our strategies, for carrying out systems analysis, inspection and testing and for presenting the resultant data to the end user client. 

Data is collected using mobile devices, cloud-synchronisation and data sheets for each system device. 

Data is secured in iCloud, and we produce customised reports for our clients.

 On demand, clients are able to access the data securely through any iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch, and export their own reports. This data provides ready evidence supporting or rebutting legal and insurance claims.

Remedial Engineering

Systems Analysis and Inspection and Testing of your system always reveals vulnerabilitiesHere are some things to note about SecurityNet Remedial Engineering:

  • Flaws can result from bad design, shoddy installation practices or poor maintenance practices.
  • Some of the things we find will shock you, but they are pathways to insider threats.
  • The remedies are deceptively simple, and not costly to fix.
  • We have the skills to make your investment in physical security worthwhile.
  • We find and remediate system faults and eliminate consequent threats.

New Systems Design

I’ve  produced hundreds of conceptual design briefing documents, specifications and sketch plans for access control and video surveillance systems. If you are required to obtain multiple quotes for as major system and require a consultant with deep learning of procurement processes, SecurityNet has the experience to work with your project team.

SecurityNet will develop documentation that expresses your requirements, aligned with the current capabilities of your preferred access control and intruder alarm brands. 

 We are able to specify on-premises systems like Genetec Security Center and Milestone XProtect, MOBOTIX HUB, Inner Range Integriti, Tecom WMS Pro, Avigilon Unity and Gallagher Command Centre. All of these vendors now have cloud applications that have much of the functionality of on-premises solutions.

If your enterprise is already undergoing digital transformation, we will guide you on the most appropriate cloud-managed technologyThe systems we design are integrated with IP (Internet Protocol) infrastructure and public cloud-compatible.


Affordable Design for Individuals, Communities and Small Business

We offer personalised and affordable consultancy services for residential, public space video surveillance, retail and smaller commercial and industrial security projects.

What You Can Expect From SecurityNet Australia

As the mainstay of our business I will exceed your expectations, bringing the benefits of my lifelong passion for technology innovation to your project.

    • Cyber security, first and foremost
    • The right camera and lens  for every location in your surveillance system 
    • Complete access control integration and migration to mobile technology 
    • An easy, secure user experience, either on-premises or cloud-based 
    • Your administrator’s access to user permissions
    • Remote monitoring & configuration by qualified technicians
    •  Local and/or cloud data centre video storage
    • Simple, affordable cloud subscriptions
    • Expert systems design and provisioning.

Featured Technology Partners

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MOBOTIX ONE - Cloud Ready, High Performance

Video surveillance has become the most important component in electronic security.

Cloud storage of video has significant advantages over local recording, but the cost of transmission and storage capacity can be prohibitive.

 Camera manufacturers are constantly developing new technology to take advantage of emerging information technology.  Higher Internet speeds and public cloud computing capacity make video surveillance in the Cloud an attractive propoosition. However secure transmission of sensitive information such as images is of critical importance. 

Image data often contains private and sensitive information and protecting it from unauthorised access and interception becomes a critical challenge. We will guide you on making the best choices.

As an example, MOBOTIX ONE cameras have Integrated AI-based analytics and recording. And because they use high-performance transmission of encrypted event metadata instead of image data, compliance with privacy policies is assured.


Our design experience with MOBOTIX spans 18 years and we’ve designed more than 100 systems with MOBOTIX Internet of Things (IoT) cameras. 

MOBOTIX is our preferred Technology Partner because of their unique approach to video surveillance, supporting our belief in open platform, de-centralised systems and the Internet of Things. MOBOTIX cameras are supported by all unification and integration software platforms on the global market.


IPTECHVIEW - Secure Remote End User Access

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IPTECHVIEW is the only cloud platform that natively enables end user remote connectivity as well as service provider RMM (remote monitoring and maintenance). It supports video surveillance cameras, access control, IT infrastructure and more.

SecurityNet has evaluated this product for more than 3 years, and it is flawless!

Find out more by clicking the image.

Application Page Links

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